Southern Based Voice Demo Videos
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So why are you looking for
a fake US Southern Voice?​​
​So why are you looking and booking fake US Southern Voices? There are a LOT of folks out there that think they can do a passable Southern voice and I will be quite honest, they fail. They fail miserably.
With me as your Southern voice, you can be sure you will get a genuine US Southern voice. I am from the South. I am a native Southerner. From North Carolina. A lot of people don't even understand what that means. I know what it sounds like and how we say things.
Why go anywhere else. I can do it all. So many Southern accents: Appalachian, Virginian, North and South Carolinian, Georgian, Alabaman, Mississipian, Louisianan, Texan, Tenneseean, Arkansasan. Even regional within the ares such as Hoigh Toider (Outer Banks NC), Coastal Georgian, Gulf Coast. The only one I can't do is Gullah/Geeche (Its a language of its own)
Bottom line is, I do Southern US voiceover and all current accents (and some historic). Try me.
You can also contact me at:
WoodyG Voice Over Studio LLC
864.640.1505 or
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